They got to be humble enough that they're cleaning the toilets and they're grateful to do so. When you get a soldier who’s going to be willing to take orders, “Yes, sir,” and go to the frontline and defend the person left and right of them, now, you're starting to show me, “We got some.” I have all the pay scales laid out from level one when you accomplish that and you’ve started at the right financial base, level two, you get a raise, a major raise. I’ll give you a raise of a $100 a week, a $5,200 year raise. You can get that within eight to 16 weeks. Complete level one, simple. Level two, everything is laid out there. You got eight to 16 weeks to complete level two. If you do it, boom, you're done. You get another $100 week raise. You’re going to get another $5,200 a year raise which means totally within as much as 32 weeks, possibly as little as 16 weeks, you're getting a $10,400 a year raise if you do the TLC steps. Step one versus step two, level two, level three. Now, you're going to start to work on adjusting but when you're not unleashed to adjust, then, we got all the rules on how to pass adjusting. Nobody brings a different adjusting style in my clinic. My patients should not be able to tell the different pitch in your hands and mine. What's another dumb thing chiropractors do? They invite somebody in with different techniques. Next thing you know, your house is more of a mess than it was to begin with. You got patients saying, “Oh, I like when Dr. Smith does my ankle. I like when Dr. Dean does my neck.” Stop it. Everybody does the exact set unless you got such a diverse fleet of chiropractors. Some of our doctors in TLC have eight, nine locations where they have four and five doctors at one location. We have many different models that work. Until you're diversifying that, your first matriarch, patriarch, associate doctor must be a clone of you. That’s how you protect the house. There's a lot of rules in here. I have everything in the seven levels laid out for you. A little glimpse at how detailed TLC is, if you look at this right
Chiropractor Malpractice Insurance Live Event With Dr. Dean DePice
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