All these stuff is laid out. I got to ask you right now. Stop. Get a pen and paper and write these questions out. Are you ready to hire an associate doctor? When is the time to hire an associate doctor? What’s one of the answers I already gave you? If what? If your practice is spilling over with more prosperity then you know what to do. You’re ready for an associate doctor. That’s it. Now, I can give you the exact numbers depending upon where you live, how many thousands a month you’ll be prepared to spend and all that but are you ready? Are you're spilling over with prosperity? Once that happens, then, you got to start looking and you got to start thinking. You definitely got to get the seven levels of the associate driven practice. Look, you don’t need to coach with me at all. You don’t have to talk to me again for the rest of your life. This tool will serve you forever. Even though I’ll describe TLC disciplines that you can use to train with, you don’t have to use mine. You can use the Fred Jones system of whatever that you do and plug in those disciplines and say, “At level one, my candidate needs to graduate with these five disciplines, this many outside connections and this many weeks of working in each zone in the office and they graduate from level one to two.” I give you the beakers. It’s the perfect lab test to work. I give you all the beakers, the flasks, the stations to do everything. You got to start studying these seven levels. If you look at the tool, you have audios to talk you through it. You have a workbook to talk you through it. You have a wall chart that shows you the seven levels and what should happen in terms of responsibilities, outside responsibilities, scripting responsibilities, competency of clinical work responsibilities, money changes that happen. As I work in the bonuses at levels four, five and six, we provide bonuses that accelerate growth. Then, as they grow, we take away lower bonuses. If the associate doctor ever settles back down which is common, the pathetic story in America is most associate doctors die at somewhere between 90 to 120 visits a week. I'm going to tell you the host doctor doesn’t earn any real money from an associate doctor unless they're
Chiropractor Malpractice Insurance Live Event With Dr. Dean DePice
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