between, I’d say, 175 to 300 a week. That’s where the big breakthrough is. The money isn’t the reason but you got to be having great prosperity. A lot of people who hire associates, the associate just ends up paying for their own presence in the job and the house isn’t really prospering from it. Why the heck are we doing it? Then, the host doctor becomes bitter and they end on bad terms. Within two years, they're saying goodbye to each other. They’re not happy with each other. Great. That’s wonderful for the profession. Dean, can I just interject a little bit here? First of all, the information you're presenting is awesome. As a lot of the people on this live show know, I’ve had massive amounts of associates over the last 33 years. What you're presenting is terrific. One of the things that comes to mind is that if I could summarize a couple of the things that I got from it so far is you're indicating about when you're looking for that first associate, bet on the person, not on the so‐called deal with that person. Everything that you're talking about is really all about quality of people and relationships which I really appreciate. Some of the things that we even talk about at ChiroSecure from a risk management perspective and I don’t know if you want to touch on this at all, maybe yes, maybe no, either way it’s okay, but when you're training these associate doctors, I find that it’s very, very important for them to set their own intention before they even go in and to see a patient because they have to be focused, on purpose which you talked about with the high intent. You have to be professional and create exceptional rapport with patients in order to have long term patients whether you’re the owner doctor or an associate doctor. That was always a little bit more challenging if I can talk from my successes and less than successes in terms of being able to motivate an associate to be that person. One of the things that I learned from what you're sharing today is rather than always having to create that person, you're actually finding the person and then bringing it out of them. Am I hearing you correctly on that?
Dr. Stu Hoffman:
Chiropractor Malpractice Insurance Live Event With Dr. Dean DePice
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