ChiroSecure's Best Of Live Events

There are a hundred ways that our profession has not prepared us to be  good host of associate driven practice. I'm telling you, this is not a subtle  twist on old models of associate driven practice. What TLC is doing here  has never been done in the profession before. We have a 100% batting  average. Why, because we melt down all the dysfunctions in these  relationships at levels one and two. By the time we get to three, four,  five, six, I'm not joking with you, I’ll put you in touch with these many  doctors as you want, we have a 100% track record.  If someone gets through levels one and two, no one has quit on bad  terms. Nobody has quit period in the rest of the levels. We’re looking well  into a hundred plus practices with TLC associate driven doctors in them.  There's all sorts of mistakes to look at. I always like to say at the end of  my talks that this is not the end of the conversation. This is the beginning.  Listen, I'm not in an environment that’s new. I know a lot of people can  feel like being with me is drinking water from a fire hose. He’s too  opinionated about this or that. Let me assure you, my love is for this  profession. I am inspired by the ideals that we can do so much good if we  just get together and work.  As one of the leaders of the profession has pictures on here right now,  Gerry Clum, one of those happiest things to say when he sees me is,  “Dean, I’ll never forget the first time I heard you in stage. You thought me  one thing that I’ve never stopped living by.”   It’s this. In all the success books you read, in all the fancy audios you  might hear, no matter how many Tony Robbins or other kits you’ll buy,  there's a chapter that’s always missing. If it’s not missing, you missed  really getting it. It’s for chapter that says this. “No matter what you work  on, it’s not going to work unless you are ready to work really, really,  really, really hard.”   What I tell you upfront is that you're going to work hard. In most places  you go, somebody wants to convince you, “If you do this, it will be easy.”  It’s not going to be easy. I'm telling you, it’s going to be hard but it’s  worth it.

Chiropractor Malpractice Insurance Live Event With Dr. Dean DePice 

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