It’s like raising kids. It’s like protecting your marriage. It’s hard but it’s worth the reward because people need people sticking together in the long term. Wherever you guys go with this, there's so much you're getting from it. The fact that Dr. Stu and Dr. Alan are providing a venue like this where more leaders in the profession can bring you a great conversation, that’s awesome. I’ll be quiet. Thank you guys for having me here.
Dr. Alan Weinstein: Dr. Stu. You're muted. You're muted. I think Dr. Stu doesn’t realize he’s muted. If you can unmute yourself, that’ll be great.
Dr. Stu Hoffman:
I just wanted to say thanks to Dr. Dean. I’ve known him for a long time as I indicated then. Having had massive amounts of associates in a number of different clinics, I learned today. I hope all of you did too. That’s the purpose of what we’re doing with this ChiroSecure live shows, bringing quality people which is what Dean was talking about in your own practice. That’s who I want to surround myself with, is a quality person like Dean DePice, his wife Jen and all the people that he associates with. I want to just let you know that we appreciate all of you attending. I want to let Alan close out the show today.
Dr. Alan Weinstein: Fantastic. Great stuff. I want to just have everyone take a look at the website you're watching this show on. You‘ll notice on the right, there is a form to fill out. If you enter your name and the information required, we’ll send you a copy of today’s transcript as well as Dr. Dean’s notes and some of his slides.
If you look right above that, you're going to see an image for our concierge service. If you click on that, it’ll take you to a page where you could sign up so that you are automatically sent the notes, the transcripts and everything related to our live events going forward. Make sure you do that. I have one special announcement that I'm really excited about. Let me just go ahead and bring myself back and then change screens. I'm going to share this right now. On December 9 th , you want to mark this down,
Chiropractor Malpractice Insurance Live Event With Dr. Dean DePice
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