ChiroSecure's Best Of Live Events

Qualifying Questions

• WHY: Am I ready for ADP? • WHEN: Is now the time? • WHO: Are you looking for?

Begin the search Interview and Hire Course of training 7 steps of ADP • Master the transitions and boundaries.

Considering an associate

• WHY: what’s in it for you/what do I really want? • The process of developing an associate driven practice begins with first defining the why within the chiropractor who thinks they want an associate doctor. Beginning the associate doctor mindedness of the primary doctor The reasons why we approach this process will predetermine the result we will “have” upon its fruition. So it is serious business to do what is necessary to clearly reveal our ambitions. This is why the first part of the process you will find me engaging you in a self discovery sequence of questions to uncover exactly what it is we are best advised to do. • Some Drs want to raise up younger Drs who once trained want to go out on their own (18 mo, -3 years with you) • Some Drs want to find a lifetime associate or possibly someone who may want to buy into future partial ownership in the practice • Our profession’ track record suggests that 6/7 associateships end within 1-3 years and have one or both parties feeling disfavor ably about how it unfolds. • It is a living document. How about we change the closing stories…?

Ideal Character traits and skill sets

Ideal Character traits • Humble and passion to deliver great chiropractic care • Hungry, needs to pay bills and provide for family • Eager, binding, persistent, patient… • Desires mentoring in practice and his/her technique • Wants to gain experience • Has identical technique package and touch to be experienced by your patients

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