ChiroSecure is dedicated to supporting Chiropractors through education. The focus of this information is to raise patient awareness on the safety of Chiropractic, as well as implementing the use of Informed Consent as an accepted model, to add protection for the Chiropractor from baseless claims. In the past few years, we’ve seen a significant increase in the number of malpractice claims alleging that chiropractic treatment caused patients to have strokes. Stroke claims are the most serious claims that face chiropractors. They have average awards of over $500,000 and can exceed your policy limits. It is critical that you take steps to protect yourself from these claims. The most important steps that you can take are to 1) Implement an Informed Consent process that includes having all patients sign an Informed Consent that warns of the risk of stroke and 2) Be able to recognize potential stroke symptoms. The information that we are providing you will help you do both of these things. I would like to acknowledge some of the many individuals who contributed their time to this Informed Consent process. First and foremost, Dr. Gerry Clum whose incredible expertise helped us achieve the highest standard product for your use. Also, Bill Esteb for his counsel. Attorneys Caroline Tseng, Michael Schroeder, Sara Schroeder, Randy Monroe, amongst many others. I also want to thank the National Association of Chiropractic Attorneys for reviewing and approving this form. I am appreciative of all of the dedication and support they provide for our profession. Sincerely,
Dr. Stuart Hoffman
8501 E PRINCESS DRIVE , SUITE 130 • SCOTTSDALE , AZ • 85255 PHONE: ( 480 ) 657 - 8500 • FAX: ( 480 ) 657 - 8505 www . ch i r o s e cur e . com
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