
over 20 years of Engineering Excellence

26B — August 29 - September 11, 2014 — Green Buildings — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


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Celebrating over 20 years of Engineering Excellence!

At the 51st Annual New Jersey Concrete Awards ICSC supports Energy Savings and Efficiency Act



investment for developers seeking to adopt energy effi- cient building practices. Addi- tionally, the legislation would clarify the role of the U.S. De- partment of Energy (DOE) in the formation of energy codes by requiring DOE to function as a re-defined technical advi- sor. This re-defined role would constrain the department’s ability to recommend products that may not be well-suited for all climates or aesthetic purposes. “Ensuring that future base- line energy codes are cost- effective and product-neutral will give landlords, owners

“Why we went with wood”. . . continued from page 22B and developers of shopping centers the necessary certainty for moving forward with new energy efficient building proj- ects and retrofits,” said Betsy Laird , senior vice president of global public policy for the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC). “We wholeheartedly support this bipartisan bill and ap- plaud Reps. Blackburn and Schrader for their leader- ship.” n

A S H I N G T O N , DC — Represen- tat i ves Marsha

Blackburn (R-TN) and Kurt Schrader (D-OR) introduced the Energy Savings and Build- ing Efficiency Act (H.R. 5027). This legislation would accel- erate cost savings associated with the adoption of voluntary energy efficient construction practices in commercial and residential buildings. The bill would ensure that those choosing to adopt base- line energy codes will realize a payback period of no longer than ten years, which would provide a greater return on

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individual carpenters install- ing those same walls one 2x6 at a time. Additionally, the plans are more accurate, as the technol- ogy almost completely elimi- nates “field changes.” This makes for not only more consis- tency with regard to structural integrity, but also for budget- ing purposes. The panels are built under roof in a local factory, which is great for the local economy. This also means they are not exposed to the weather so the wood doesn’t warp when it gets wet, or allow mold spores to grow which can happen when using conventional wood fram- ing. There’s also less job site theft, as it’s pretty tough to have a whole section of wall “walk” from a job site. We also estimated that we saved approximately 15% in costs when compared to con- ventional “one stick at a time” wood construction, and farmore versus concrete or steel construc- tion. If we can build something just as safe and strong, butmore cost effective,muchquicker, and it puts people in our community to work; why wouldn’t we go with wooden wall panels? Still have questions? Let me know at info@hudmgt. com n

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