
14C — August 29 - September 11, 2014 — Shopping Centers — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


C ivil & C onsulting E ngineers

M id A tlantic RE J ournal ’ s

Environmental and geotechnical engineers Whitestone Associates, Inc. celebrates 20th anniversary W ARREN, NJ — Whitestone As- sociates, Inc. is

Bohler congratulates Whitestone Associates for 20 successful years!

proudly celebrating the 20th anniversary of providing qual- ity environmental and geo- technical engineering and consulting services to its ar- ray of clients throughout the eastern United States. Origi- nally founded in Watchung, New Jersey in 1994 as White- stone Environmental Compli- ance Management, Inc. with operations principally based in New Jersey, the company added geotechnical engineer- ing capabilities in 1995 and subsequently renamed the firm Whitestone Associates, Inc. in 1999. In conjunction with its affiliate, Bohler En- gineering , Whitestone ini- tially focused on commercial and retail site development and redevelopment projects, providing due diligence in- vestigation through site re- mediation and construction phase testing and inspection services to a variety of clients that included developers, attorneys, corporate retail entities, architects, and con- tractors. Branch of f i ces opened in Chalfont, Pennsylvania (1999), Sterling, Virginia (2001) and Evergreen, Colo- rado (2002) were necessary to accommodate Whitestone’s corporate growth, expand- ing client base and extended geographic range. Whitestone relocated to its current corpo- rate headquarters location in Warren, New Jersey in 2005. Whitestone’s founder and

SERVING THE EAST COAST | bohlerengineering.com

G eneral C ontractors


Construction, Inc. IOVANNONE

Congratulations to Whitestone Associates on their 20th anniversary!! It has been our honor to work for such a wonderful company for over 19 years!

— Retail Development —

1954 -2014 60


quality,” Uzzo said. “Ensuring the quality of our employees and our work product is of paramount importance”. Ad- ditionally, Whitestone has always emphasized its role as consultants, not just as en- gineers or scientists, and all employees are trained to “put continued on page 15C

current president, TomUzzo , attributes the company’s growth and continued success to a simple “customer first” business philosophy and strict adherence to the firm’s Core Values of which the primary attribute is Quality. “We’ve always stressed a zero-toler- ance policy when it comes to


T: 215-487-1340

F: 215-487-6437

S ite R emediation & E nvironmental S ervices

T raffic E ngineering C onsultants

“Congratulations to Thomas K. Uzzo and our friends at Whitestone Associates for 20 years of success and leadership in the environmental consulting industry! Wishing you continued prosperity for many more to come!”

“Congratulations Whitestone Associates for all of your accomplishments over the last 20 years!”

35 Technology Drive Warren, NJ 07059

2929 Expressway Drive North Hauppauge, NY 11749

P: 908.769.5588 F: 908.769.7733

P: 631.738.1919 F: 631.738.1177

AWT Environmental Services, Inc. Phone: 732.613.1660 Fax: 732.613.1536 www.awtenv.com


Traffic & Transportation Engineering, Site Planning & Roadway Design Consultants

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