3 Final 2022-23 ReserveStudy-07-29-2022 reduced-compressed

Comp #: 711 RFID Reader - Replace

Quantity: (1) Total

Location: Entry/exit gates Funded?: Yes. History: Unknown

Comments: Should be evaluated and repaired as needed by servicing vendor to ensure proper function. For best pricing and to minimize downtime, best practice is to replace with other similar components, such as gate operators or barrier arms. Cost shown is for the device itself; RFID devices for vehicles are assumed to be paid for by unit/homeowners. Plan on replacing at the approximate interval shown here.

Useful Life: 8 years

Remaining Life: 2 years

Best Case: $ 5,000

Worst Case: $ 10,000

Cost Source: Allowance Estimate

Comp #: 802 Pole Lights - Replace

Quantity: Approx (26) Fixtures

Location: Entrance to the association and 2 fixtures on each clubhouse Funded?: Yes. History: Unknown

Comments: This includes the pole light fixtures and the coach lights atop entry wall. Observed during daylight hours; assumed to be in functional operating condition. As routine maintenance, inspect, repair/change bulbs as needed. Best to plan for large scale replacement at roughly the time frame below for cost efficiency and consistent quality/appearance throughout Association. Replacement costs can vary greatly; estimates shown here are based on replacement with a comparable size and design, unless otherwise noted.

Useful Life: 20 years

Remaining Life: 6 years

Best Case: $ 26,000

Worst Case: $ 38,000

Cost Source: Allowance Estimate

Association Reserves, #6510-0



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