3 Final 2022-23 ReserveStudy-07-29-2022 reduced-compressed

Asphalt & Concrete

Comp #: 201 Asphalt - Resurface (Area 1)

Quantity: Approx 393,413 GSF

Location: Streets and Drives (specific locations are in notes) Funded?: Yes. History: Built 1986, subsequent resurfacing projects unknown.

Comments: As routine maintenance, keep roadway clean, free of debris and well drained; fill/seal cracks to prevent water from penetrating into the sub-base and accelerating damage. Even with ordinary care and maintenance, plan for eventual large scale resurface at roughly the time frame below. Our inspection is visual only and does not incorporate any core sampling or other testing, which may be advisable when asphalt is nearing end of useful life. Some communities choose to work with independent paving consultants or engineering firms in order to identify any hidden concerns and develop scope of work prior to bidding. If more comprehensive analysis becomes available, incorporate findings into future Reserve Study updates as appropriate.

Useful Life: 30 years

Remaining Life: 10 years

Best Case: $ 1,180,000

Worst Case: $ 1,180,000

Cost Source: Research with Asphalt Consultant

Association Reserves, #6510-0



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