Comp #: 202 Asphalt - Seal/Repair (Area 3) 2023
Quantity: Approx 166,908 GSF
Location: Streets and Drives (specific locations are in notes) Funded?: Yes. This is expected to be a one-time project. Recurring seal projects will be funded through the previous component. History: 2023: $279,115 Comments: Regular cycles of seal coating (along with any needed repair) has proven to be the best program in our opinion for the long term care of asphalt pavement. The primary reason to seal coat asphalt pavement is to protect the pavement from the deteriorating effects of sun and water. When asphalt pavement is exposed, the asphalt oxidizes, or hardens which causes the pavement to become more brittle. As a result, the pavement will be more likely to crack because it is unable to bend and flex when subjected to traffic and temperature changes. A seal coat combats this situation by providing a water-resistant membrane, which not only slows down the oxidation process but also helps the pavement to shed water, preventing it from entering the base material. Seal coating also provides uniform appearance, concealing the inevitable patching and repairs which accumulate over time. Seal coating ultimately can extend the useful life of asphalt, postponing the need for asphalt resurfacing. If asphalt is already cracked, raveled and otherwise deteriorated, seal-coating will not provide much physical benefit, but still may have aesthetic benefits for curb appeal.
Useful Life: 99 years
Remaining Life: 0 years
Best Case: $ 279,115
Worst Case: $ 279,115
Cost Source: Pavement Management Plan
Comp #: 205 Concrete & Drain - Repair
Quantity: Allowance
Location: Throughout common areas Funded?: Yes. History: Ongoing projects Comments: Per the client's request, an allowance has been provided to make periodic concrete repairs. Continue to monitor and adjust as needed in future Reserve Study updates.
Useful Life: 2 years
Remaining Life: 0 years
Best Case: $ 8,000
Worst Case: $ 12,000
Cost Source: Estimate Provided by Client
Association Reserves, #6510-0
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