3 Final 2022-23 ReserveStudy-07-29-2022 reduced-compressed

Comp #: 206 Pavers (Roadway) - Replace

Quantity: Approx 15,100 GSF

Location: Entrance to community Funded?: Yes. History: Replaced 2014

Comments: As routine maintenance, pavers should be inspected to identify any physical issues such as lifting, cracking, and excessive surface wear. We recommend maintaining a small amount of spare pavers on site for replacement in the event of breakage. At long intervals, sunlight, weather and vehicle traffic can degrade the condition of the material, requiring replacement for structural and/or aesthetic reasons. Schedule shown here may be updated based on the aesthetic preferences of the association and standards in the local area. Some associations choose to apply a sealer coat, which may help preserve and/or enhance aesthetic appeal.

Useful Life: 25 years

Remaining Life: 16 years

Best Case: $ 155,000

Worst Case: $ 230,000

Cost Source: Allowance Estimate

Comp #: 207 Pavers (Roadway) - Seal/Repair

Quantity: Approx 15,100 GSF

Location: Entrance to community Funded?: Yes. History: Comments: Funding has been provided to clean and seal the roadway pavers. This project will maintain an attactive appearance and help the pavers reach their maximum useful life.

Useful Life: 5 years

Remaining Life: 0 years

Best Case: $ 12,000

Worst Case: $ 18,000

Cost Source: Allowance Estimate

Association Reserves, #6510-0



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