Comp #: 401 Mailboxes - Replace Location: Interior common area Funded?: Yes. History: Unknown
Quantity: Allowance
Comments: Clean and inspect regularly, change lock cylinders, lubricate hinges and repair as needed from Operating budget. Metal mailbox structures located inside protected interior areas can have very long life expectancies. In our experience, it is prudent to expect replacement at the approximate interval shown below in order to maintain good appearance consistent with other interior areas. Timing of replacements is ultimately subjective.
Useful Life: 30 years
Remaining Life: 4 years
Best Case: $ 15,000
Worst Case: $ 25,000
Cost Source: ARI Cost Database
Comp #: 404 Outdoor Furniture - Replace (Cafe) Location: Front patio adjacent to owners lounge. Funded?: Yes. History: Unknown
Quantity: Approx (80) Pieces
Comments: (22) Tables, (58) Chairs. Inspect regularly, clean for appearance and repair as needed from general Operating funds. Cost to replace individual pieces may not meet threshold for Reserve funding. We recommend planning for regular intervals of complete replacement at the time frame indicated below, to maintain a good, consistent appearance in the common areas. Costs shown are based on replacement with comparable types unless otherwise noted.
Useful Life: 15 years
Remaining Life: 5 years
Best Case: $ 15,000
Worst Case: $ 24,000
Cost Source: Allowance Estimate
Association Reserves, #6510-0
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