3 Final 2022-23 ReserveStudy-07-29-2022 reduced-compressed

Comp #: 601 Carpet - Replace (Clubhouse) Location: Board room, library, office, storage room Funded?: Yes. History: Unknown

Quantity: Approx 250 GSY

Comments: As part of ongoing maintenance program, vacuum regularly and professionally clean as needed. Best practice is to coordinate at same time as other interior projects whenever possible to minimize downtime and maintain consistent quality standard. Timing of replacements is ultimately subjective. Estimates shown here are based on our experience with similar properties and general aesthetic qualities. Schedule can be updated/adjusted at the discretion of the Association for planning purposes.

Useful Life: 10 years

Remaining Life: 4 years

Best Case: $ 12,000

Worst Case: $ 18,000

Cost Source: Allowance Estimate

Comp #: 604 LVP Floor (East Room/Post Office)

Quantity: Approx 800 GSF

Location: East Room and Post Office Funded?: Yes. History: 2021 Comments: Funding has been provided to replace the Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring on roughly the schedule below. Continue to monitor and adjust as needed in future Reserve Study updates.

Useful Life: 15 years

Remaining Life: 13 years

Best Case: $ 10,000

Worst Case: $ 13,000

Cost Source: Allowance Estimate

Association Reserves, #6510-0



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