Comp #: 609 Tile Floor - Replace (Hallways)
Quantity: Approx 640 GSF
Location: Hallways/Entry Funded?: Yes. History: 2011
Comments: As part of ongoing maintenance program, inspect regularly and repair or replace damaged sections as needed. With ordinary care and maintenance, tile in interior locations can last for an extended period of time, but replacement is often warranted eventually to enhance and restore aesthetic appeal in the common areas. Replacement costs can vary greatly depending on size and type of tiles selected. Our recommendation is to replace at the approximate schedule shown here, but this schedule can be adjusted at the Association's discretion.
Useful Life: 30 years
Remaining Life: 19 years
Best Case: $ 10,000
Worst Case: $ 15,600
Cost Source: Allowance Estimate
Comp #: 610 Tile Floor - Replace (Cafe)
Quantity: Approx 700 GSF
Location: Café Flooring Funded?: Yes. History: Unknown
Comments: As part of ongoing maintenance program, inspect regularly and repair or replace damaged sections as needed. With ordinary care and maintenance, tile in interior locations can last for an extended period of time, but replacement is often warranted eventually to enhance and restore aesthetic appeal in the common areas. Replacement costs can vary greatly depending on size and type of tiles selected. Our recommendation is to replace at the approximate schedule shown here, but this schedule can be adjusted at the Association's discretion.
Useful Life: 30 years
Remaining Life: 4 years
Best Case: $ 10,000
Worst Case: $ 15,000
Cost Source: Allowance Estimate
Association Reserves, #6510-0
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