Comp #: 614 Wood Floor - Replace
Quantity: Approx 1,800 GSF
Location: Main Room Flooring Funded?: Yes. History: Unknown
Comments: Wood flooring should eventually be replaced due to wear and deterioration, as well as for aesthetic changes in the common areas. In some cases, multiple sanding/refinishing projects will wear down thickness of the flooring to the point where refinishing is no longer an option. Estimates shown here are based on our experience with similar properties and general aesthetic qualities. Schedule can be updated/adjusted at the discretion of the Association for planning purposes.
Useful Life: 30 years
Remaining Life: 4 years
Best Case: $ 40,000
Worst Case: $ 60,000
Cost Source: ARI Cost Database
Comp #: 615 Fitness Flooring - Replace
Quantity: Approx 2,240 GSF
Location: Fitness Room Funded?: Yes. History: 2021/2022 Comments: Plan to replace on roughly the schedule below. Continue to monitor and adjust as needed in future Reserve Study updates.
Useful Life: 10 years
Remaining Life: 9 years
Best Case: $ 25,000
Worst Case: $ 30,000
Cost Source: Allowance Estimate
Association Reserves, #6510-0
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