3 Final 2022-23 ReserveStudy-07-29-2022 reduced-compressed

Comp #: 807 Chandeliers - Replace

Quantity: (5) Fixtures

Location: Main room and outside front entrance Funded?: Yes. History: Unknown, assumed to be original Comments: These fixtures could potentially last indefinitely, but planning on eventual replacement for aesthetic purposes. Continue to monitor and adjust as needed in future Reserve Study updates.

Useful Life: 40 years

Remaining Life: 4 years

Best Case: $ 7,000

Worst Case: $ 10,000

Cost Source: ARI Cost Database

Comp #: 900 Computers/IT Equip - Update/Replace

Quantity: Allowance

Location: Board room, front office, mail room. Funded?: Yes. History: Unknown

Comments: This includes Laptops, Computers workstations, printers/scanners, etc. Computers and other IT equipment have a relatively short useful life (depending on the application and level of use) due to advancements in technology. Plan to replace/upgrade the existing equipment at the approximate interval shown here to ensure proper function and uninterrupted service. Keep track of any partial replacements and include cost history during future Reserve Study updates.

Useful Life: 3 years

Remaining Life: 1 years

Best Case: $ 5,000

Worst Case: $ 10,000

Cost Source: Allowance Estimate

Association Reserves, #6510-0



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