Comp #: 901 Room Dividers - Replace
Quantity: Allowance
Location: Main Room, storage, east room. Funded?: Yes. History: Unknown Comments: Plan to replace along with other interior projects for efficiency. Continue to monitor and adjust as needed in future Reserve Study updates.
Useful Life: 15 years
Remaining Life: 4 years
Best Case: $ 5,000
Worst Case: $ 7,000
Cost Source: Allowance Estimate
Comp #: 902 Furn/Fixtures (Convenience Store)
Quantity: Allowance
Location: Convenience Store Funded?: No. It was reported by the maintenance manager that the shelving, fixtures, equipment all belong on the store leasee, not the association. No reserve funding provided. History: Comments:
Useful Life:
Remaining Life:
Best Case:
Worst Case:
Cost Source:
Association Reserves, #6510-0
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