3 Final 2022-23 ReserveStudy-07-29-2022 reduced-compressed

Comp #: 908 Window Treatments - Replace

Quantity: Allowance

Location: Interior walls Funded?: Yes. History: Unknown Comments: Plan to replace the window coverings along with other interior projects for efficiency. Continue to monitor and adjust as needed in future Reserve Study updates.

Useful Life: 10 years

Remaining Life: 4 years

Best Case: $ 12,000

Worst Case: $ 18,000

Cost Source: Allowance Estimate

Comp #: 909 Restrooms - Refurbish (Clubhouse)

Quantity: (4) Restrooms

Location: Bathrooms Funded?: Yes. History: Unknown

Comments: As routine maintenance, inspect regularly and perform any needed repairs promptly utilizing general Operating funds. Typical remodeling project can include some or all of the following: replacement of plumbing fixtures, partitions, countertops, lighting, flooring, ventilation fans, accessories, décor, etc. Costs can vary greatly depending on scope of work involved.

Useful Life: 20 years

Remaining Life: 14 years

Best Case: $ 120,000

Worst Case: $ 200,000

Cost Source: Allowance Estimate

Association Reserves, #6510-0



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