Comp #: 918 Cardio Equipment (Free Motion)
Quantity: (15) Assorted Pieces
Location: Fitness room Funded?: Yes. History: 2022
Comments: Free motion equipment: (6) bikes, (3) ellipticals, (5) treadmills, (1) concept 2 rower. In our experience, cardio equipment tends to have a shorter useful life overall than strength equipment due to more electronic components, moving parts, and advancements in technology. Inspect regularly, clean for appearance, maintain and repair promptly as needed from Operating budget to ensure safety. Best practice is to coordinate replacement of all equipment together to obtain better pricing and achieve consistent style and quality.
Useful Life: 10 years
Remaining Life: 9 years
Best Case: $ 50,000
Worst Case: $ 70,000
Cost Source: Allowance Estimate
Comp #: 919 Strength Equip (Nautilus/Paramount)
Quantity: (4) Assorted Pieces
Location: Fitness room Funded?: Yes. History: Unknown
Comments: Lower back, leg press, butterfly, and lat row. Strength equipment often has a longer useful life than cardio equipment, so it has been listed separately. However, many Associations still choose to replace all fitness equipment together on the same cycle. Equipment should be inspected periodically for safety and functional concerns. Cost estimates shown here are based on replacement with the same approximate types and quantities of existing assets.
Useful Life: 15 years
Remaining Life: 1 years
Best Case: $ 10,000
Worst Case: $ 15,000
Cost Source: Allowance Estimate
Association Reserves, #6510-0
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