Comp #: 921 Fitness Mirrors - Replace
Quantity: Approx 300 GSF
Location: Fitness Room Funded?: Yes. History: Unknown Comments: Plan to replace along with other interior projects for efficiency. Continue to monitor and adjust as needed in future Reserve Study updates.
Useful Life: 20 years
Remaining Life: 9 years
Best Case: $ 4,000
Worst Case: $ 6,000
Cost Source: Allowance Estimate
Comp #: 926 Decor - Replace
Quantity: Assorted Pieces
Location: Interiors Funded?: Yes. History: Unknown
Comments: This component recommends funding for periodic replacement/refurbishment of idecor such as artwork, light fixtures, misc. decorative items, etc., in order to maintain a desirable aesthetic in the common areas. Cost estimates can vary greatly depending on the amount of items to be replaced at each project, and the style and quality of replacement options. Best practice is to coordinate this type of project with other interior projects such as flooring replacement, painting, etc.
Useful Life: 15 years
Remaining Life: 4 years
Best Case: $ 10,000
Worst Case: $ 15,000
Cost Source: Allowance Estimate
Association Reserves, #6510-0
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