Comp #: 503 Metal Fence - Replace
Quantity: Approx 360 LF
Location: Pool perimeter Funded?: Yes. History: Unknown
Comments: In our experience, metal fencing will typically eventually break down due to a combination of sun and weather exposure, which is sometimes exacerbated by other factors such as irrigation overspray, abuse and lack of preventive maintenance. For some types of fencing, complete replacement is advisable over recoating or refinishing due to relatively short lifespan of coatings and consideration of total life-cycle cost.
Useful Life: 35 years
Remaining Life: 13 years
Best Case: $ 18,000
Worst Case: $ 21,600
Cost Source: Allowance Estimate
Comp #: 507 Alumawood Shade Structures -Replace
Quantity: (2) TotalÍž ~280 GSF each
Location: Pool Equipment Funded?: Yes. History: Unknown Comments: Assuming ordinary care and maintenance, plan for replacement at roughly the interval indicated below.
Useful Life: 25 years
Remaining Life: 9 years
Best Case: $ 8,000
Worst Case: $ 16,000
Cost Source: Allowance Estimate
Association Reserves, #6510-0
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