3 Final 2022-23 ReserveStudy-07-29-2022 reduced-compressed

A R Welcome to your Reserve Study! Reserve Study is a valuable tool to help you budget responsibly for your property. This report contains all the information you need to avoid surprise expenses, make informed decisions, save money, and protect property values. egardless of the property type, it's a fact of life that the very moment construction is completed, every major building component begins a predictable process of physical deterioration. The operative word is " predictable" because planning for the inevitable is what a Reserve Study by Association Reserves is all about!

In this Report, you will find three key results:

Component List Unique to each property, the Component List serves as the foundation of the Reserve Study and details the scope and schedule of all necessary repairs & replacements. Reserve Fund Strength A calculation that measures how well the Reserve Fund has kept pace with the property's physical deterioration. Reserve Funding Plan A multi-year funding plan based on current Reserve Fund strength that allows for component repairs and replacements to be completed in a timely manner, with an emphasis on fairness and avoiding "catch-up" funding. Questions? Please contact your Project Manager directly.


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