Comp #: 804 Light Fixtures - Replace
Quantity: Approx (6) Fixtures
Location: Pool area Funded?: Yes. History: Unknown
Comments: Inspected during daylight hours; assumed to be in functional operating condition. As routine maintenance, inspect, repair/change bulbs as needed. Best to plan for large scale replacement at roughly the time frame below for cost efficiency and consistent quality/appearance throughout association. Replacement costs can vary greatly; estimates shown here are based on replacement with a comparable size and design, unless otherwise noted.
Useful Life: 20 years
Remaining Life: 2 years
Best Case: $ 3,600
Worst Case: $ 6,000
Cost Source: Allowance Estimate
Comp #: 1010 Concrete & Planters - Replace
Quantity: Allowance
Location: Pool area Funded?: Yes. History: 2022 Comments: Planning for a rehab project on roughly the schedule below. Continue to monitor and adjust as needed in future Reserve Study updates.
Useful Life: 20 years
Remaining Life: 19 years
Best Case: $ 30,000
Worst Case: $ 40,000
Cost Source: Allowance Estimate
Association Reserves, #6510-0
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