3 Final 2022-23 ReserveStudy-07-29-2022 reduced-compressed

Comp #: 1209 Spa - Resurface (West)

Quantity: ~100 GSF; ~50 LF

Location: Spa area Funded?: Yes. History: 2022

Comments: Spas sometimes need to be resurfaced more frequently than pools due to higher chance of chemical imbalances. Whenever possible both should be done at the same time to achieve better pricing and minimize downtime. While drained for resurfacing any other repairs to lighting handrails stairs ladders etc. should be conducted as needed. This type of project is best suited for slow/offseason to minimize downtime during periods when spa is used heavily.

Useful Life: 8 years

Remaining Life: 6 years

Best Case: $ 8,000

Worst Case: $ 10,000

Cost Source: Allowance Estimate

Comp #: 1210 Pools/Spas - Retile

Quantity: (3) Bodies of Water

Location: Pool area Funded?: No. Funding to retile the pools and spas is included with the resurfacing projects. Continue to monitor and adjust as needed in future Reserve Study updates. History: Comments:

Useful Life:

Remaining Life:

Best Case:

Worst Case:

Cost Source:

Association Reserves, #6510-0



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