Comp #: 1229 Pool/Spa Handrails - Replace
Quantity: (4) Total
Location: Pool area Funded?: No. Repair as needed as an operating expense or replace along with pool resurfacing for efficiency. History: Unknown Comments:
Useful Life:
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Comp #: 1304 Tile Roof - Replace
Quantity: Approx 1,600 GSF
Location: Building roof Funded?: Yes. History: Original
Comments: There is a minimal amount of flat roof: repair as needed as an operating expense. The timeline for tile roof replacement is generally estimated based on the age of the roof. Remaining useful life can also be adjusted based on inspection of any accessible areas, looking for any cracked, slipping or missing tiles, as well as consultation with the client about history of repairs and preventive maintenance. Typical replacement includes removal and replacement of tiles and underlayment, with repairs to any damaged substrate made as needed. Tile roofing is typically a long-lived component assuming it was properly installed and is properly maintained.
Useful Life: 35 years
Remaining Life: 2 years
Best Case: $ 9,000
Worst Case: $ 14,000
Cost Source: Allowance Estimate
Association Reserves, #6510-0
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