Comp #: 1609 Tennis Court - Resurface
Quantity: Approx 6,850 GSF
Location: Tennis court Funded?: Yes. History: 2019
Comments: Over time, exposure to UV light, wind, rain and foot traffic will deteriorate the surface to the point of failure. Prior to resurfacing, consult with vendors to identify any structural problems, such as poor grade, lack of drainage, high spots, etc. Plan to resurface at the approximate interval shown below in order to preserve the appearance and usefulness of the court surface. Best practice is to coordinate with other projects, such as fencing and/or lighting replacement.
Useful Life: 5 years
Remaining Life: 2 years
Best Case: $ 7,000
Worst Case: $ 10,000
Cost Source: Allowance Estimate
Comp #: 1610 Windscreen - Replace
Quantity: Approx 2,880 GSF
Location: Tennis fencing Funded?: Yes. History: Unknown
Comments: Windscreens should be inspected periodically, especially where attached to the chain link to identify and repair any rips or tears. Loose/sagging/faded sections should be replaced to maintain good aesthetic appearance in the common areas. Plan to replace all areas together at the approximate interval shown here to maintain consistent appearance.
Useful Life: 10 years
Remaining Life: 2 years
Best Case: $ 3,400
Worst Case: $ 3,800
Cost Source: Allowance Estimate
Association Reserves, #6510-0
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