The Auxiliary also became a big ally of the organization. Spearheaded by Marcia Aquino and Norma Castillo, $10,000 was raised in 1987 among Filipino physicians to donate towards the construction of the new MedChi building. Now inscribed in the halls of MedChi is a plaque for the APPM, recognizing its contribution. (I was told jokingly I hope the monies were spent to construct the east wall of the bathroom on the second floor). The Auxiliary also helped organize rallies in Annapolis by the busload to lobby for tort reform that were pertinent to the practice of medicine. That included issues like expert witness and caps for pain and suffering in malpractice cases. The maturity of the organization in its internal politics became evident in the early 1990s. There was no longer need to cajole, trick, and exhort members to become officers. (Dr. Faustino was president for 6 years. Nobody else wanted it.) Ayoko, ikaw na lang mentality. Officers began to covet these leadership positions. Real elections were held. I remember the year 1991, when campaigns for the presidency were waged to the level of grass roots. (True to any heated elections, accusations on both sides included erroneously I am sure, vote buying, flying voters... I remember the remark... "How can that doctor vote. I heard he is dead." With changes in leadership, emphasis shifted. In the early 1990s, a shift toward the national APPA was reinforced leading to the APPA national convention being held in Baltimore in 1993. The early 1990s also ushered in a communion with the pharmaceutical companies. Annual meetings became dinner dances. Executive meetings became luncheons. These events were sponsored by the pharmaceutical companies. A CME was also thrown in. The affairs were jam- packed (but the business m·eeting always took too long). CMEs were incorporated with cruises to such exotic places as the Caribbean, Greece, and Alasaka. The idea of the medical mission became a reality in 1995. Spearheaded by the tireless Mayette Caragay, a medical mission was held in Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija. Another mission was held in 1996. The year 1997 was a rest period. Amendments in the Bylaws were introduced in 1995 to include a new category of membership for the interns and residents. They paid a nominal fee. Looking back, the APPM has grown by leaps and bounds in the past 30 years. It has brought the community of Filipino physicians closer together. Many good things have been accomplished. While the emphasis ot'various leadership may be varied, it was always good for the organization. Let us support them wholeheartedly.
W r i tt en b y t he la t e Ra y S . Magn o , M . D . (1936-2018), 4 t h pr e s iden t o f APPM O r iginall y pr in t ed in 2012 a s p a rt o f t he APPM Pic tor ial Di r ec tory
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