
$ 0 - - & $ 5 * 7 * 5  r  $ 0 . . 6 / * 5 : AN EMOTIONAL NIGHT FOR JONATHAN’S FAMILY


the sense of community and belonging that Jonathan’s association with DEBRA Canada gave him, when at the age of 12, he finally met others who were also living with EB. When Jonathan announced he wanted to get involved with the organization, and that he thought he could make a difference, Boileau supported him, and later promised him that she would continue his work. She TIBSFEUIBUHPJOHUP.JOOFTPUBGPSUSFBUNFOU with Jonathan in 2016 had given them hope, and that the hardest thing she ever did was to come back home to Russell without him in 2018. Tina thanked the women in attendance, and closed by saying “Jonny always wanted community – look around” she said, “this is community”. &WFOUDPDIBJST+VEZ.D'BVMBOE-ZOO Rochon thanked Tina Boileau for embracing

More than 500 local women raised $17,000 for DEBRA Canada, during the 16 th annual Russell Ladies Night on May 3 rd , honoring the late Jonathan Pitre. Tina Boileau, mother of Pitre and presi- dent of DEBRA Canada, delivered a passion- ate speech regarding her son, which earned her a well-deserved standing ovation. A wave of silence flooded the room as Boileau de- livered her speech, a sign of its profound impact on the crowd gathered. Tina Boileau shared the moving story of Jonathan’s journey living with EB. She recounted his strength, his optimism and the gift he had for inspiring those around him in the midst of his own adversity. She revealed

Cette année, le Ladies Night, qui avait lieu vendredi dernier à Russell, rendait hommage à Jonathan Pitre, décédé il y a tout juste un an d’une maladie incurable. Il allait avoir 18 ans. Tina Boileau, présidente de DEBRA Canada, est montée sur la scène pour raconter le combat que son fils Jonathan a livré toute sa vie. On la voit, à gauche, en compagnie de sa mère, Norma Boileau, et de sa fille Noémy. Au cours de la soirée, à laquelle plus de 500 femmes étaient présentes, l’encan silencieux a amassé 17 000 $ qui seront remis à DEBRA Canada. — photo Annie Lafortune

3VTTFMM-BEJFT/JHIUJOJUTXJTIUPIPOPVS Jonathan with this year’s event, and encour- aged the ladies present to think of their QBSUJDJQBUJPOJO-BEJFT/JHIUBTUIFJSPXO way of helping to make a difference. Jonathan’s good friend Tara Shannon paid tribute to Jonathan, both in relating the story of their friendship and Jonathan’s inspiration in her life, and in her rendition of Butterfly Child , the song she wrote to raise awareness and funds for EB. Sandy Sharkey and Wendy Daniels were UIF.$TGPSUIFFWFOJOH XIJDIJODMVEFE dinner, music, auctions, raffles and prize

giveaways. All of the money raised from the auctions was donated to DEBRA, for research to help support those suffering with EB. In total, $17,000 was raised. The evening’s theme was Let Your Light Shine , to honour Jonathan’s dream of travel- MJOHUPTFFUIFGVMMTQMFOEPSPGUIF/PSUIFSO Lights – a dream he was not able to realize. Guests found creative ways to display their tributes to Jonathan and let their own lights shine. Some dressed in black and bling, PUIFSTQJDLFEVQPOUIFUIFNFPGUIF/PSUI - ern Lights, while still others incorporated a butterfly motif into their evening wear.

Judy McFaul, coprésidente du Ladies Night de Russell, et Tina Boileau devant une des affiches de son fils. — photo Annie Lafortune

Bourget ON • À seulement 15 minutes d’Orléans • Communauté bilingue • Tranquillité de la campagne • Venez voir notre grand choix de lots (aucun fossé) PRÊT À CONSTRUIRE


Tara Shannon, de Russell, bonne amie de Jonathan, a chanté, devant une foule silencieuse, la chanson qu’elle a écrite pour Jonathan intitulée Butterfly Child . 4 Adriana et Lorraine VanMunsteren se sont parées d’ailes lumineuses en mémoire de Jonathan, que l’on surnommait l’enfant papillon. — photo Annie Lafortune

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