yet by no stretch of the imagina tion does that lead to repentance and salvation. So, being sincere is necessary but you must be sin cerely right in order to be saved (Proverbs 16:25). One of the prime passages to show that there is only one way to eternal life is John 3:1-18. Read this fascinating en counter of our Lord. Acts 4:12 tells us, "Neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven, given among men, whereby ye must be saved." Again the Saviour declared, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by Me" (John 14:6). Never forget that it cost heaven its very best in order that our salvation might be made possible. Do not stumble over the fact that there is no other way. Our responsibility is to appro priate this Way through faith to be assured of everlasting life. Q. Turlock, Calif. "/ would like to know what is meant by the word 'horn' as used in Psalm 75:10 and Psalm 92:10." A. From these and other similar passages in the Bible we can see that the word "horn" has more than just a literal meaning. Scrip ture uses it figuratively as well. The first rule of Biblical interpretation is to examine the context which is given. What is the thrust of the inspired writer's presentation? So, in addition to "horn" used literally it also is spoken figurately to rep resent strength. Sometimes it shows one who has arrogant pride while at other times it is symbolic of imperial power. The latter we find in the end times as the ten horns refers to the final confederacy of the resuscitated Roman empire. In
sibility of future judgment. Actu ally, things are constantly changing since the world was first created. Based upon prophetic Scripture, the world will someday be renno- vated by fire (II Peter 3:10-14). As far as the writer of Ecclesiastes is concerned he expected “ forever" to mean "age without end." But again, that is only the way man looks at it. His view is very cir cumscribed and restricted. Some people have therefore wondered why this book is in the Bible. Keep in mind that the entire Word of God is inspired. This does not mean to say that inspiration guarantees that what everyone says in the Bible is true. For instance, we find the lie of Satan, "Ye shall not surely die" in Genesis 3:4. God had told Adam and Eve, "O f the day you eat thereof ye shall surely die." You see, inspiration insures that what we have in the Bible is exactly what Satan said to Eve. In other words, we have the infallible record of the events God would have us to understand and remem ber. Q. San Francisco, Calif. "People to day seem to think they are doing fine as long as they believe some thing. How can I get my point across that Christ is the only way to salvation ? What Scriptures would be most useful?" A. While sincerity is essential to becoming a Christian it certainly is not the prime necessity. There are some people very sincere, but they are sincerely wrong! Such a devoted attitude does not mean that an individual is thinking right. Atheists, agnostics, and cultists are absolutely sincere. The devil him self is the most sincere one and
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