nominal Christian. One who has received Jesus Christ as his per sonal Saviour is born again and the Saviour's blood expunges his sin to provide eternal life. A pro fessing Christian is generally a term to denote an individual who has never taken this all-important step of faith. As those who have received God's grace we become joint-heirs with Christ. In this man ner we have all things in Him. Paul told Timothy, "God has given us all things richly to enjoy. Our God daily loads us with benefits, even the God of our salvation" (I Tim othy 6:17). There is no end to what God has made available to all those who have truly accepted His way of salvation. Those who are mere ly professors, Christians in name only, have no benefits of this type
Psalm 75:10 the warning is not to show forth pride, for Cod will cut off the power or strength of those who so order their lives. An excel lent picture of this can be obtained in the New Scofield Reference Bible, page 256. I am continually impressed with the fact that the Bible is a many-splendored thing. It can be simple and it can be complex. There are places so shal low that lambs could wade, but there are other sections that are so deep elephants could swim! Q. Los Angeles, Calif. "Is it not true that a reborn Christian receives beneficial and protective powers from the blood of Christ? Do nom inal Christians, that is those in name only, receive the same?" A. We would need to identify a
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