Biola Broadcaster - 1972-07

a blacker blight on any man's rec­ ord? But, again, all sin is just cause for eternal damnation in the sight of the Lord. David's activities were in no way condoned by the Lord. In fact, he was made to pay for these deeds in misery and grief up to the day he died. After the evil was committed, however, the king repented and asked for forgiveness (Psalm 51). The Lord heard him and he was pardoned. That David was an individual after Cod's own heart speaks of his humble faith in the Lord. Each of us, too, are “ after Cod's own heart" as we confess our sins in deepest sincerity and seriousness of purpose before Him. Not only that, there are even stronger bonds as we are made the children of God. That is an even closer relationship! Q. Denver, Colo. "In Genesis 34, why is there not a stronger pun­ ishment given to Jacob's sons when they went into Shechem murder­ ing all of the male inhabitants who seemed helpless to defend them­ selves? Should not Simeon and Levi have been put to death in the terms of God's covenant with Noah (Genesis 9:6)?" A. The verse you cite is the per­ manent basis for capital punish­ ment. As to the incident you have mentioned, it refers to the defile­ ment of Dinah by Shechem. Her brothers became furious and went totally out of hand. No one was consulted, including their father, Jacob. Cod had somehow put a re­ straining hand on those who were killed . Otherwise the brothers themselves would no doubt have been blotted out. While they had a right to take up arms, seeking revenge for the evil done to their

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