in the church at Corinth was em powered by the Lord. The people at Corinth responded to Paul's message not because Paul was sim ply clever. They responded to the message because God enabled them through the ministry of His Spirit to accept Christ. Remember Christ spoke in the third chapter of the Gospel of John and said that it was the Holy Spirit who empowered men to make the decision to accept Christ as per sonal Saviour. It is not simply our
unusual intellect or insight that causes us to come to the place where we say, "W e ll, I have weighed all the evidence. I have considered every possible course of action very carefully. And it seems to me that the wisest thing to do is to acknowledge Christ as Lord and Saviour." Paul indicates, as well as Christ, that God can move upon the heart and a man suddenly realizes that he does not want to live life in his own strength. And so the Lord is
Luis Palau challenged the students in sessions on evangelism during the May Conference.
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