in the original manuscripts is in spired. Dr. A. J. Gordon penned, "We cannot forget what we imply when we say that language is always the expression of human thought. Words always determine the size and shape of our ideas as exactly as the coin answers to the die from which it was pressed." The Holy Spirit is the Interpreter of all truth. He ministers to our minds to make the things of Christ a reality. Notice the personal ele ment in these wonderful words, "When the Holy Spirit is come to you, He will guide you, He will declare unto you things to come" (John 16:13). This is a personal ministry on His part to each of us. We have a deep need for a sub jective illumination and ministry. This is because of the human heart's condition. Of itself it will not receive the things of God. It cannot know them because they are spiritually judged. No amount of education will ever unlock the divine mysteries of God. This is why many well-educated people on the human level stumble over the Bible. They want nothing to do with it. Jesus rightly said, "You do err not knowing the Scriptures or the power of God." Men and women do not come to God through argumentative log ic or by natural processes of learn ing. It is only by the divine dis closure and the inner-illumination of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of wisdom, under standing, counsel and might. We are indebted for all the truth we know about the Lord Jesus to the Holy Spirit. We have His presence to minister personally and to guide us into the habit of looking to Him for light and understanding con- Page 61
heart and hand through whom the Holy Spirit gave utterance. His sec ond coming is just as certain as was His first. The truth of His com ing advent occupies a larger place in the prophetic Scriptures than does even His first appearing when he was born of the virgin Mary. The Holy Spirit is the inspiration of truth. Inspiration is something more than revelation. Again, revel ation means making known, while inspiration has to do with the di vine inbreathing of those records. Keep in mind, however, that in the strictest sense it is the Scriptures that are inspired, not the human penman. All Scripture is inspired of God (II Timothy 3:16). The books of the Bible are not merely in the form of literature; they are life-giv ing treatises. This differentiates this Book from all other books which have ever been written. The Bible has never been superceded or ev en approached by the finest of writers. THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH It is important for us to realize that the Bible is actually the breath of God. It carries divine reality be cause of the Holy Spirit's inspira tion. He has used human channels for His revelation. While each of the writers of the various Biblical books had his own particular style, interestingly enough the same words are used by many of them. Paul testified, "Which things also we speak, not in words which man's wisdom teacheth, but the words which the Spirit of God teacheth" (I Corinthians 2:13). The very utterances of Jessu very def initely teach the fact of verbal in spiration of the Bible (John 6:33). Each and every word of the Bible
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