Music Booklet

Music School

“It is no exaggeration to say that our greatest experiences of our son’s school life at Dulwich College have been musical.” Parents of a recent leaver

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Music has played a central part in the life of the

The Music Department nurtures young musicians of every level, and at every stage of their journey through DUCKS and Dulwich College. Every pupil can engage with the Department during their time at Dulwich College with whatever musical interest and to whichever level they can achieve.

College since its foundation by Edward Alleyn

Teaching and Learning Dulwich College’s comprehensive

programme of academic study allows Senior School students to discover what a professional musician does, and helps to prepare them for a career in music. Teaching covers elements of contemporary music, world music and jazz, and is complemented by a programme of visiting specialists and trips during the academic year. A total of 650 instrumental and singing lessons are taught each week by a conservatoire-quality team of 42 specialist visiting music teachers. High-level chamber music coaching is also provided. Composer in Residence We are fortunate to have British Composer Award winner Cecilia McDowall as our Composer in Residence. She visits the College frequently to give seminars, and provides one-to-one supervision for GCSE and A level students.

In 2018, 100% of pupils achieved full marks in GCSE and A level performance

Co-curricular and Performance Celebrating performance is central to our ethos. Orchestras, bands and choirs are complemented by flourishing jazz and rock groups, with music technology clubs becoming ever more popular. We support well in excess of 200 performances each year. Regular performance venues include All Saints West Dulwich, Cadogan Hall, Christ’s Chapel Dulwich, The Hideaway, Pizza Express Soho, Royal Festival Hall, St. James’s Piccadilly, St. John’s Smith Square. “Regardless of my level of playing, the music staff have always been warm and encouraging, for which I am deeply grateful. I will always remember my musical roots at Dulwich and the positive effect it had on me.”

Recent Leaver

Beyond Dulwich College Musicians from Dulwich College are well represented in the Junior Departments of the London conservatoires, London Schools Symphony Orchestra, National Children’s Orchestra and the National Youth Orchestra. The Music Department has an enviable record of entry to higher education, with several scholarships to Oxbridge and the London conservatoires in recent years.

We regularly receive applications from pupils who wish to join us purely for our musical provision. A variety of musical awards are offered to the most gifted. The Director of Music is always pleased to meet and advise anyone interested in finding out more about these Music Awards. For further details call 020 8299 9258.

“Dulwich College’s Music Department provided important formative experiences which led to my career as professional composer. The experienced team of teaching staff and wide range of performing opportunities coupled with academic excellence stand Dulwich pupils in good stead for a future career in music.”

Thomas Hewitt Jones OA

@ DulwichCollege

@ DCMusicDept

650 instrumental lessons each week 43 instrumental groups and choirs

42 Visiting Music Teachers

50 students currently studying

Recent tours to China, USA, Germany

GCSE and A level Music

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