Music Booklet

Beyond Dulwich College Musicians from Dulwich College are well represented in the Junior Departments of the London conservatoires, London Schools Symphony Orchestra, National Children’s Orchestra and the National Youth Orchestra. The Music Department has an enviable record of entry to higher education, with several scholarships to Oxbridge and the London conservatoires in recent years.

We regularly receive applications from pupils who wish to join us purely for our musical provision. A variety of musical awards are offered to the most gifted. The Director of Music is always pleased to meet and advise anyone interested in finding out more about these Music Awards. For further details call 020 8299 9258.

“Dulwich College’s Music Department provided important formative experiences which led to my career as professional composer. The experienced team of teaching staff and wide range of performing opportunities coupled with academic excellence stand Dulwich pupils in good stead for a future career in music.”

Thomas Hewitt Jones OA

@ DulwichCollege

@ DCMusicDept

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