2023 Competitive Entries Catalog

Floriculture - Horticulture Classes - Dept. I1, I2 and J1, J2

Only one Award of Horticulture Excellence may be offered to the highest scoring blue ribbon winning exhibit entered by an individual in the entire Horticulture Division of each show.


1. The NCG Exhibit Policies are printed in the Handbook for Flower Shows, 2017 , Chapter 6, exhibiting in the Horticulture Division. Scale of points for Horticulture are located in Chapter 14 of handbook. 2. Only one member of a family may exhibit only one entry in any one class. (See rules on page 110). 3. Pre-entry is required for Horticulture specimens for the Friday and Wednesday Shows. Please enter all categories in which you MAY have specimens. Once entry tags are received, bring only the tags and specimens that you feel are qualified for show(s).(See times and place to bring exhibit listed below.) 4. If the exhibit is incorrectly entered, it will not be placed for judging. Subdividing of any class in the Carolina Classic Fair Flower Shows is PROHIBITED. 5. All plant material entered in the Horticulture Division must be fresh and grown by the exhibitor. Exception: plants grown from seed, seedling, cuttings or immature transplants, bulbs, corms, tubers and rhizomes. Arboreal specimens must be in the exhibitor's possession for 6 months, and all other entries in possession for 90 days. The rules for a single species cut or container grown specimen are listed in the handbook or its supplement Horticulture Exhibiting and Judging. 6. Specimens may not be treated with products that may artificially change the natural color, shine or texture. 7. All entries should be labeled with BOTH the common and botanical names (Genus and specific epithet). ONLY PROPERLY NAMED EXHIBITS WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR TOP AWARDS. 8. The Flower Show Committee will furnish clear glass containers on a "First Come, First Serve" basis. From then on, exhibitors will furnish their own containers for all horticulture entries, using clear small size drink bottles for small specimens and clear glass container for collections and larger clear glass specimens. Foil pans may be used for camellias. WEDGING WITH CLEAR PLASTIC WRAP IS PERMITTED. 9. Only one specimen plant to a container in all classes except Wax Begonias, Impatiens, Bromeliads, combination plantings or where noted in schedule. 10. Clay or plastic containers preferred for container grown plants. (NO CON - TAINER OVER 8" IN DIAMETER WILL BE ACCEPTED EXCEPT TRUE FERNS CLASSES I2- 57-63 WHICH MAY BE 10". CONTAINERS WILL BE MEASURED FROM INSIDE RIM TO OPPOSITE SIDE INSIDE RIM. Container Grown plants should be no more than 30" in height/width (or discretion of the committee). Stick - ing is permitted, but should be unobtrusive and not extend above the top of the plant. Please bring only worthy specimens qualified for show due to space issues. 11. Please note Conservation List on Page 111. 12. Specimens on their own roots WILL NOT be accepted except in container plants. 13. Cut specimens should not have foliage below the water line (exception - gladioli). 14. If a plant is considered a flowering plant, it should be exhibited as a flowering specimen. Foilage plants may flower, but should be exhibited as foilage plants are grown for their leaves. 15. Specimens with a class designation in the schedule may not be entered in the "Any Other Worthy Specimen Class."

General Rules Apply to Both Standard Flower Shows & Horticulture Specialty Shows


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