2023 Competitive Entries Catalog

Department X - Section 101 - Pre-School - Kindergarten Premiums: 1st: $5 2nd: $4 3rd: $3 4th: Ribbon Note: Kits are allowed in these grade levels for the Lego Constructions.

0020 Play Dough 0021 Recyclable Items -"Ocean" Theme 0022 Rubber Stamp Art (see rules, p. 211) 0023 Sandcasting - Sand Art 0024 Toymaking 0025 Collection of Leaves (max 15"x15") 0026 Collection of Rocks (max 15"x15") 0027 Sculpture & Metal Crafts (see rules, p. 211) 0028 Decorated Stuffed Sock

0010 Christmas Decorations (no food) 0011 Clay Modeling - un-fired 0012 Clothespin Art (angels, dolls, etc.) 0013 Craft Sticks (popsicle) 0014 Handmade Flowers 0015 Holiday Items (no Christmas) 0016 Jewelry 0017 Papier Mache 0018 Adult Coloring Book (1 page) 0019 Foam Art

Judge’s Choice - $10 & Rosette Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories. Department X - Section 102 - Grades 1st - 2nd Premiums: 1st: $6 2nd: $5 3rd: $4 4th: Ribbon

0043 Papier Mache 0044 Pottery (see rules, p. 211) 0045 Punched Tin 0046 Recyclable Items - "Ocean" Theme 0047 Sandcasting - Sand Art 0048 Sculpture & Metal Crafts (see rules, p. 211) 0049 Tie Dying (handkerchief) 0050 Toymaking 0051 Woodworking (bird house, feeder, etc.) 0052 Woodworking - Small Article 0053 Collection of Leaves (max 15"x15") 0054 Collection of Shells (max 15"x15") 0055 Collection of Sports Card (max 15"x15") 0056 Collection of Non-Sports Card (max 15"x15") 0076 Pottery (see rules, p. 211) 0077 Punched Tin 0078 Recyclable Items - "Ocean" Theme 0079 Sandcasting - Sand Art 0080 Scherenschnitte - German Paper Cutting 0081 String Art with Nails (no paper) 0082 Tie Dying (handkerchief) 0083 Toymaking 0084 Woodburning 0085 Woodworking (bird house, feeder, etc.) 0086 Woodworking - Small Article 0087 Sculpture & Metal Crafts (see rules, p. 211) 0088 Collection of Shells (max 15"x15") 0089 Collection of Rocks (max 15"x15") 0090 Collection of Patches (max 15"x15") 0091 Collection of Sports Cards (max 15"x15") 0092 Collection of Non-Sports Cards (max 15"x15")

0030 Christmas Decorations (no food) 0031 Clay Modeling - un-fired 0032 Duct Tape Item (see size limit) 0033 Craft Sticks (popsicle) 0034 Handmade Flowers 0035 Handpainting on Wood/Fabric (no clothing) 0036 Holiday Items (no Christmas) 0037 Jewelry 0038 Foam Art 0039 Model Car or Truck 0040 Model Airplane 0041 Adult Coloring Book (1 page) 0042 Decorated Stuffed Sock 0058 Candle - Decorated 0059 Ceramics (see rules) 0060 Christmas Decorations (no food) 0061 Clay Modeling (fired only) 0062 Duct Tape Item (see size limit) 0063 Fabric Painting (no clothing) 0064 Handmade Flowers 0065 Handpainting on Wood 0066 Holiday Items (no Christmas) 0067 Jewelry 0068 Foam Art 0069 Model Airplane 0070 Model Car 0071 Model Ship 0072 Model Truck 0073 Papier Mache 0074 Decorated Stuffed Sock 0075 Adult Coloring Book (1 page)

Judge’s Choice - $10 & Rosette Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories. Department X - Section 103 - Grades 3rd - 5th Premiums: 1st: $6 2nd: $5 3rd: $4 4th: Ribbon

Judge’s Choice - $10 & Rosette Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.

***Attention - Teachers of School Groups/Day Care Centers, Etc.*** Due to space limitations in the Ed. Bldg., we must ask that your students making the same craft item (i.e., Craft Sticks, Pottery, etc.) be “pre-judged” at your school. Please select (6) per class to be displayed. Complete the entry form for each student with all required informa- tion, including the last (4) digits of the Social Security No. (or prize money cannot be paid).


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