2023 Competitive Entries Catalog

Any product administered internally or used externally to alter the conformation of an animal for exhibition is prohibited. This includes the use of graphite, powders, hemp or other similar substances externally and steroids or growth stimulants internally. The exhibition of cattle displaying false hair will not be allowed. DRUG TESTING: The Carolina Classic Fair Management reserves the right to conduct random testing. Any artificial means of removing or remedying physical defects or conformation in exhibition animals, such as lifting, dyeing or filling under the skin, will be considered fraud and deception. This includes steroids. All animals giving evidence of such treatment will be barred from exhibition at this Fair and all Fairs that are members of the International Association of Fairs and Expositions. E329 Late Summer Yearling Bull, calved July through August of previous year E330 Early Summer Yearling Bull, calved May through June of previous year E331 Late Junior Yearling Bull, calved March through April of previous year E332 Early Junior Yearling Bull, calved January through February of previous year Ribbon Champion Yearling Bull Reserve Champion Yearling Bull Premiums: 1st: $58 2nd: $53 3rd: $48 4th: $42 5th: $38 6th: $35 7th: $32 E335 Late Senior Yearling Bull, calved October through December 2021 E336 Early Senior Yearling Bull, calved July through September 2021 E337 Late Two Year Old Bull, calved April through June 2021 E338 Early Two Year Old Bull, calved January through March 2021 E339 Aged Bull, calved July through December 2020 Ribbon Champion Senior Bull Reserve Champion Senior Bull Banner Grand Champion Bull Rosette Reserve Grand Champion Bull Rosette E344 Best of Polled Bull (must enter by entry deadline to be eligible) Award Department E03 - Section 102 - Santa Gertrudis - Bulls Premiums: 1st: $58 2nd: $53 3rd: $48 4th: $42 5th: $38 6th: $35 7th: $32 BULLS E322 Early Summer Bull Calf calved May or after of current year E323 Late Junior Bull Calf, calved March through April of current year E324 Early Junior Bull Calf, calved January through February of current year E325 Late Senior Bull Calf, calved November through December of previous year E326 Early Senior Bull Calf, calved September through October of previous year Ribbon Calf Champion - Bull Reserve Champion Bull Calf Premiums: 1st: $58 2nd: $53 3rd: $48 4th: $42 5th: $38 6th: $35 7th: $32


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