A handsome gift of help
Notre tournoi de golf, qui s’est déroulé le 4 juin, a encore une fois été un succès grâce à nos commanditaires. / Our golf tournament, which was held on June 4, once again was a success thanks to our sponsors. MERCI / THANK YOU Commanditaires principaux/ Main sponsors Banque Scotia Bank Caisse populaire Nouvel–Horizon Inc Les Fondations Brisson Inc Dupuis Ford Lincoln Sales Inc. Laplante Chevrolet Buick GMC Ltée Valecraft Homes Ltd: Association des producteurs d’œufs de l’Ontario /Egg farmers of Ontario Daniel’s No Frills
Photo Gregg Chamberlain
CONCOURS DE PUTTING CONTEST Antique Bed & Breakfast Banque Scotia Bank
It’s a few years old and has already gone through its first and second lives as a primary and then a backup ambulance unit for Prescott-Russell municipalities. Now this 2009 model ambulance will have a new third life far away south in a little seaside mountain region near the border of the Dominican Republic and Haiti thanks to an agreement between the United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR) and Firefighters Without Borders Canada (FWBC). UCPR Warden Jean-Paul St-Pierre (centre left) and FWBC Ontario representative Carl Eggiman share an enthusiastic handshake as the counties council and staff turn over the keys to the ambulance, which is also stuffed with good-condition surplus equipment that will help equip paramedics on the tiny Caribbean island.
COMMANDITE DES TROUS/HOLE SPONSORSHIPS Bytown Lumber - Limoges Couvre Plancher Embrun Services Financiers Lanthier KB Media Coopérative Hydro Embrun Inc. R. Paquette Insurance Broker Inc. Assurance Morency Inc. /The co-operators DBO Canada Ltée Antique Avenue Bed & Breakfast Laplante Chevrolet Buick GMC Ltée (3)
Counties contracts fire dispatch study
do the study in time for the August commit- tee of the whole session of counties council. Cost would be about $12,000. If neighbour- ing municipalities North Glengarry and North Stormont townships agreed to be part of the regional fire dispatch package, then they would be responsible for an addi- tional $2000 for the study. The City of Clar-
417 Bus Line Ltée SACA Homes Inc. J.R. Menard Ltée Les Produits Dalmen Ltée Bervin Capital Management Inc. Le Reflet-The News Coopérative Agricole d’Embrun Ltée Levac Propane Inc. Service de Fournaise Fernand Denis Inc. Garage M.H. Bercier Inc. Banque Scotia Bank Dani-Syl Embrun Collision PRIX DE PRÉSENCE/ DOOR PRIZES J.R. Adam Ltée Casselman Cement Ltd
L’ORIGNAL | Go with Hawkesbury or Ot- tawa for fire dispatch service? That is the question for a consultant to answer for the counties council but not all the mayors at the table are happy with the idea. “I cannot sup- GREGG CHAMBERLAIN GREGG.CHAMBERLAIN@EAP.ON.CA
If neighbouring municipalities North Glengarry and North Stormont townships agreed to be part of the regional fire dispatch package, then they would be responsible for an additional $2000 for the study.
ence-Rockland al- ready has a fire dis- patch arrangement with the City of Ottawa. The study report will explain what the individual service and equip- ment benefits and costs would be to each municipality in Prescott-Russell for a regional con- tract with either Ot-
port this,” said René Berthiaume, Hawkes- bury’s mayor, during the June 25 regular session of the United Counties of Pres- cott-Russell council (UCPR). Hawkesbury’s mayor made the statement several times during a half-hour-long dis- cussion following a verbal report from
La Coop AgriEst Grandor Lumber Remax Citywide – Dan Piché SDCPR – John Candie Garage M.H. Bercier Inc. Antique Avenue Bed & Breadfast Physio Casselman
tawa or Hawkesbury. Mayor Barton emphasized that getting a report on the benefits and costs of a fire dis- patch contract with either Hawkesbury or Ottawa is not meant as a criticism of the ser- vice Hawkesbury has provided in the past. “Bottom line, it’s dollars and cents,”Barton said.
Michel Chrétien, UCPR emergency services director. Chrétien summarized his research into a request originating from Champlain Township Mayor Gary Barton about getting a consultant to report on the pros and cons of the counties continuing with its fire dis- patch contract with Hawkesbury or dealing with the City of Ottawa instead. An Ottawa consulting firm has offered to
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