forever with keeping you. But Ella, if you still call me your friend, then I pray you to show
respect t o Master Claus.”
“ Of course. I beg your pardon, sir.”
“ I gladly give it,” I said. “ And now, I fear Master Dill would take great offense if we
departed with dry throats.”
“Depend upon it,” said he. “Let the red wines flow!”
“ Yeah, I wanna see if this Gar fella can throw a dart any better’n he throws a tomahawk.”
“By Hell’ s donkeys, Master Jones, I once threw a da rt up a wyvern’s fiery nostril.”
“ And Groth and I must toast our fruitful partnership!”
“We’ re not partners, you blithering ninny .”
“ Ha! You dwarves and yo ur thorny exteriors.”
Our weird and merry party went inside, and the red wines flowed indeed. The ales and
whiskeys too. It did my old heart good to see new fellowships coming to be, and I knew it was
not without the hand of the Mightiness that all this had transpired. For in all lands justice is in
scant supply, and the Dark grows ever bolder.
But so do we.
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