King's Business - 1911-01


ever He saith unto you do i t . '' She surrendered the whole matter to Him. This injunction, "wh a t s o e v e r , '' if obeyed, will insure blessing—no matter what or when, whether seemingly rea- sonable or not, whether pleasant or un- pleasant. It is a command —"whatso- ever"—it is personal " u n t o y o u ." It means His Wo r d—"He saith"— all His words. It is pot enough to know it, or think about it, but " d o i t . " John 15:14, Luke 5:5-6, 6:46-49, Acts 9:6. The Wonder, vs. 5:9. The first mir- acle that Moses wrought was turning the water into blood, a symbol of death and judgment, Ex. 7:20-21, Rom. 7-89. This first miracle of our Lord's was symbolic of His work, turning the weak and watery elements of Judaism into the life and joy of a Christian life. The Lord's wine makes glad the heart, Psalms 104:15. The miracle was wrought in order that He might manifest His glory, 1:14, 5:23, 2 Cor. 3:18, 4:6, and prove His Deity, 3:2, 5:36. Lessons: Jesus should be the guest of honor at every social gathering of Christians. His every wish should be law. Obedience will (insure rich bless- ing. He comes that we might have life and have it more abundantly. the form, the offerings, all spoke of Christ; it was indeed a type of Christ. The Temple was the meeting place be- tween God and man. It was a sacred, holy place. Here God was worshiped, and here He manifested His glory. Three times a year the men over 12 years of age went up to Jerusalem to worship at this Temple. .Tosephus says upwards of 2,000,000 of people attend- ed these feasts. The rabbis said, the world is like an eye. The ocean sur- cations to Moses in the Mount.' Every part of this building was typical of God's Son. The material, the colors,

The First Miracle. A Lesson on Obedi- ence. John 2:1-12. The Wedding, vs. 21. That which links the private life of our Lord and His public ministry is a wedding. It was a natural transition from His own home to another home. The first act of God after the creation of man and woman was a wedding. The Lord God officiated, gave the bride away and gave the earth as a present. The next great event before the Church is a wedding, when the Lord shall have us for His bride; for this He waits and longs and we look foTward with glad anticipation, Eph. 5:30, Rev. 19:7-10. The Want, vs. 3. They wanted wine. Perhaps the coming of the Lord Jesus brought an unexpected number of guests, and the wine was insufficient. I t was an embarrassing situation: There is a need everywhere —one thing lacking—and only one source of supply, Phil. 4:19. Take every need to Him, Eph. 3:20. The Whatsoever, vs. 5. The mother of Tesus told Him of the need, and told the servants to obey Him. "Whatso- Cleansing the Temple—A Lesson on the Authority of Christ. John 2:13-25. In Chapter 1 Christ reveals Himself to individuals. In our last lesson He reveals Himself in the home and land. Here He reveals Himself in His public ministry. The Consecrated Temple. The Temple was' the outgrowth of the Tabernacle, built upon the same general plan, en- larged and beautified. God ordained tjie Tabernacle for the benefit of man. The Lord gave all the plans and specifi-


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