King's Business - 1911-01

meeting could not be elosed until mid- night. A Bible Class has been started and will be led by Earl Olin. Redlands, Riverside and Santa Ana are now well

manned with Bible classes, and the young people are giving themselves earnestly to the work of saving otheis.

Missionary Work by Baba Bharati.

A Hindu recently published the fol- lowing in India as an appeal for money to build a Hindu temple in America: " B a b a Premanand Bharati, who has made 5000 .Vaishnava disciples in America, has also established there Seva (the worship) of Radha-Krishna and Sree Chaitanya. It is now located at Los Angeles, is Southern California, in the grounds of. a rented house, which he now intends to acquire in order to build thereon a brick and stone temple in the place of the wooden one in

which it is now lodged. If this is dene, lacs (hundreds of thousands) of the American people will be interested in the Vaishnava religion and thousands and thousands of more Americans will become Vaishnavas, be saved and blessed with Krishna's love." Miss Abrams, Ramabai's well known worker, wrote recently: " I n my trav- els East and West in the United States, I have found several temples where Americans go and worship idols, led in their devotions by Brahmin priests from I n d i a ."


To New Subscribers of The King's Business. While they last we will give to every new subscriber to the King's Business a copy of Dr. Wishard's book, "The Testimony of the Scripture Concerning Higher Criticism." The book contains 130 pages without a dull line. It is written in a vigorous clean cut style and is designed for teachers and young people. The perusal of the book will stimulate your faith in the oracles of God and will safe guard your soul from subtle error. The retail price of the book is 50c but we are going to give it to our new subscribers. Subscriptions—price of the King's Busi- ness 25c. Send 4 cents postage for Dr. Wishard's book. Form of Bequest. I give and bequeath to the Bible Institute incorporated under the laws of the State of California ...._ ,..; Dollars, and I direct that the release of the President of the Board of Directors of said Bible Institute shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors in the premises.

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