Adviser - Summer 2016

Q. Some people have commented farmers in this region have largely escaped the worst of the recession. Last year prices were down but the good weather improved yields. What do you think will happen this year?  A: Agriculture, like many businesses, is affected by global influences linked to a number of different factors.  What does strike me is the resilience of the farming community and their entrepreneurship to develop new business opportunities.

Q. Do you think there is a problem with not enough new blood coming in to farming? The current generation of farmers are retiring, and it could be said that there are not enough successors coming in to take their place. What is SAA doing to address this?   A: Food and farming like any sector needs to attract young people to come into it.  The industry needs enthusiastic, entrepreneurial and confident young people and yes, I think it is very much about inspiring young people whilst they are in education as this is when they are making their career choices, whether they have been brought up in a farming environment or not.  The traditional image of agriculture has changed so much, you only have to visit the Show and see the wealth of high-technology on display to appreciate that.  Our education activities are very well known and play an important part in inspiring young people to consider careers in the sector.  We also work in partnership with others who are active in this field, for example Easton and Otley College; we have just partnered with them to launch the Suffolk Agricultural Apprentice of the Year Competition which will celebrate the achievements of young people pursuing a career in food and farming.

For more information on the Suffolk Agricultural Association see Scrutton Bland have almost one hundred years of experience advising farmers, landowners and those working in rural industries regarding their insurance, accountancy, and taxation needs. If you would like to talk to us about your business contact us on 01473 267000 or 01206 838400 , or see our website

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