Short pays with Ethos IUL

Why Ethos is your best option for smaller accumulation IUL cases

$100-$500 premium/month

Ethos offers the ideal solution for your clients with small accumulation needs. Here’s why.

Traditional IUL Carrier

Many carriers do not have an easy transition from illustration to application, requiring you to reinput client information. Which takes more time and results in fewer apps per day

Fast, seamless platform with illustrations that include a customized client report. Go from quote and illustration to application in one click

Ease of application

Instant decision

90% instant decision

Less than 50% instant decision

Medical exams

No medical exams, just a few health questions May require medical exams

Lower policy charges allow faster cash value accumulation

Higher policy charges erode cash value accumulation

Policy performance

No-cost additional benefits include a Guaranteed lifetime income rider (fee to exercise) and clear percentage-based living benefits for 18 covered conditions

Lien- b ased living b ene fi t riders with opaque payout structures

R iders

Strong targets on accumulation cases and faster sales on our seamless platform, resulting in greater total compensation

S trong targets offset b y manual underwriting, which limit sales momentum and delay compensation

C ompensation

Start earning rewards at

F or agent use only. T he information herein is provided solely for educational purposes to provide you with information a b out products and services offered through Ethos .

A gents are expected to act within the scope of their license and may not sell, solicit or negotiate life insurance unless licensed in the state. C ommissions paid to life licensed agents only.

Ethos Index U niversal Life Insurance ( form I CC 23 3 0 3 0 3-23 and state variations ) is issued b y A meritas Life Insurance C orp. T he product is not availa b le in N ew Y ork. A meritas and Ethos T echnologies Inc., are separate, independent entities. A meritas ® is a marketing name for su b sidiaries of A meritas Mutual Holding C ompany, including, b ut not limited to, A meritas Life Insurance C orp. in Lincoln, N e b raska and A meritas Life Insurance C orp. of N ew Y ork ( licensed in N ew Y ork ) in N ew Y ork, N ew Y ork. Each company is solely responsi b le for its own fi nancial condition and contractual o b ligations. F or more information a b out A meritas ® , visit A meritas and Ethos T echnologies Inc., are separate, independent entities. Ethos offers policies issued b y A meritas Life Insurance C orp. ( not licensed in N ew Y ork ) . Products and their features may not b e availa b le in all states . © 2 0 24 Ethos T echnologies Inc. Ethos operates in some states as Ethos Life Insurance S ervices. C A license # 0L 28949; A R license # 1001 64629 . Ethos offers policies issued b y the carriers listed at Products and their features may not b e availa b le in all states. T he information and content provided in this document is for informational purposes only and is not to b e considered legal, tax, investment, or fi nancial advice. N o contract is formed or amended b y this document.

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