Brauns Law September 2018

Brauns Law's online newsletter for September 2018


The World Trade Center How the Towers Came to Be

On Sept.11, 2001, at 8:46 a.m., American Airlines Flight 11 struck the north tower of the World Trade Center traveling at 470 mph, ripping a hole in the building from floors 93 to 99. At 9:03 a.m., a second plane smashed into the south tower traveling at 590 mph, cutting a gaping hole from floors 75 to 85. Within an hour, the south tower collapsed due to the sheer weight of the building combined with the damage dealt by the impact and the burning jet fuel. At 10:28 a.m., the north tower followed. The rubble and debris from the collapsed towers caused fires and further damage to the surrounding buildings and areas. Within hours, nearly 3,000 people had lost their lives. The attack left the world in a state of terror and grief, and the United States was changed forever. Today, the twin towers’ last day is remembered as the worst terrorist attack in history, but few people know how the buildings became part of New York City’s skyline in the first place. A world trade center pavilion was first hosted during the New York World’s Fair in 1939 — the exhibit was dedicated to the slogan “world peace through trade.” The idea for the World Trade Center was then abandoned after seven years, until David Rockefeller revived the concept to reinvigorate lower Manhattan. Rockefeller took the reins and continued the project, finding premises near the Fulton Fish Market on the East River, and construction on the $250 million complex began. He also turned to the Port of New

workers labored to build the World Trade Center. The towers had 99 elevators, 43,600 windows, 40,000 doors, and 3,000 miles of electrical wiring, and each building weighed 250,000 tons. They were the tallest buildings in the world until Chicago’s Sears Tower was completed less than a year later. The towers were first attacked in 1993. Down in the basement of the north tower’s parking garage, a 1,200-pound bomb was set off. The attack cost six people their lives, and over 1,000 people were injured. The Port Authority wasted no time in renovating the building; over the next eight years, the company spent $700 million on renovations, including added safety features such as battery-powered stairway lights and a separate emergency command center for each building. The towers remained an iconic part of NYC’s famous skyline for another eight years. Today, the towers are gone, but the peace they once symbolized lives on in the tranquility of Ground Zero, and every man, woman, and child who lost their life on Sept. 11, 2001, is memorialized on the stone monuments and through the annual reading of names. As Sandy Dahl, wife of Flight 93 pilot Jason Dahl, said, “If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate.” -David Brauns

“If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short, and there is no time for hate.”

York Authority for financial support to ensure the World Trade Center’s completion, and the first real plans for the World Trade Center were put into action. It was then that the Port Authority decided the towers should break the record for the tallest building in the world, beating the 1,250-foot Empire State building. To do this, architect Minoru Yamasaki designed the towers to hold 110 stories each, but they would not have the traditional glass-and- steel-box design used for most skyscrapers at that time. Instead, Yamasaki worked with structural engineers to come up with a revolutionary design that would disperse the weight throughout. The plan included two hollow tubes supported by steel columns spaced closely together and wrapped in aluminum, while floor trusses connected this shell to the tower’s central steel core. Construction of the World Trade Center officially began in February 1967. The north tower was completed in December of 1970, and the south tower was finished in July of 1971, but construction continued for the next two years until the outdoor plaza was finished. An estimated 10,000


Involved But Not Overbearing Parent-Teacher Etiquette to Support Your Child’s Development

Helicopter parents are the bane of every teacher’s existence. With the return of back-to-school season, it’s vital to find a happy medium between the tiger mom who bares her teeth at the smallest setback in her child’s schooling and the laissez-faire parent who is totally disengaged from their kid’s education. Here are a few tips to keep you involved in your child’s educational development while fostering relationships with their teachers in a way that won’t drive all of you up the wall. 1. Be a little empathetic. Teachers are some of the hardest-working people in

the world, wrangling the disparate needs of around 25 children day in and day out while attempting to get them to actually learn something. It’s a high-stress, low-paying job. In the midst of grading 300 research papers written by 12-year-olds, the last thing they need is the added pressure of concerned parents bearing down on them. If you can approach a teacher from a position of understanding and be willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, you’ll be off to a good start. 2. Show up and keep an open mind. Ask any teacher in the country,

keep an open mind about any praise, suggestions, or concerns they have about your child. 3. Teach your child to take responsibility. Aside from leaving your kid completely to their own devices, one of the worst things you can do is swoop in to solve their problems for them at the slightest hint of adversity. Maybe that D your kid got on their algebra test really was their fault. It’s important to acknowledge your child’s missteps, but you should also try to equip them with the tools necessary to advocate for themselves. Learning to articulate what’s going wrong or what they need from their teacher will help them to develop positive and effective communication skills. The key is to work together with your child’s teacher without being overbearing. Don’t come in with guns blazing at the first sign of an educational slip. Think of your kid’s schooling as a collaborative effort — maybe one in which you’re a little less involved than the teacher — and you’ll be giving your child the best chance of success.

and they’ll undoubtedly tell you that one of the best predictors of a child’s success is whether or not their parents make an appearance at parent- teacher conferences. Your engagement should go beyond that. Use the teacher’s preferred method of communication to stay in semi-regular contact with them — always ensuring that you



Brauns Law provides the most professional service that I have had the pleasure of experiencing in my 15 years in Atlanta metro. David is an incredible attorney, and his staff is top-notch. They have your best interests at heart, can efficiently navigate the legal system, and represent you flawlessly. Thank you so much! –Darryl A. David and his staff were thorough, professional, and in communication at all times through the entire process. I highly recommend them.

It has been a great experience working with David Brauns. He is attentive, organized, and passionate about his community. –Nicole H.

–Robert T.

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School buses are the most regulated vehicles on the road. The safety of the children on board is the top priority, and every precaution is taken to ensure students safely arrive at their destinations. This level of care means that school bus accidents account for less than 1 percent of all traffic fatalities nationwide. While some concern is raised regarding the lack of seat belts on board, the truth is that children are most in danger when getting on or off the school bus. If your kids are taking the school bus this year, make sure they are aware of basic bus safety rules. Rules at the Bus Stop The bus stop is not a playground. There should be no running or playing while waiting for the bus. Teach your kids to stay out of the street, line up facing the bus door, and to not approach the bus until it stops completely, the doors open, and the driver signals that it’s okay to board.

Also, students should get to the bus stop five minutes before the bus arrives so they aren’t tempted to run if they see the bus coming.

Beware the Danger Zone School Transportation News reports around 19 children are killed each year while getting on or off the bus. These tragic accidents often happen within the “danger zone,” which is the space 10 feet in front of or behind the bus. Kids are struck by bus drivers who cannot see them in this area or by cars illegally passing a stopped bus. Teach kids to stay far away from the street while waiting for the bus, to take five big steps after getting off the bus, and to make eye contact with the bus driver and wait for their signal before they cross the street. Riding the school bus is a safer way to get students to and from school than walking or riding in the family car, as long as students and drivers treat school buses with respect and follow these safety rules.



Want to take your grilled cheese game to the next level? This recipe calls for cheese both inside and outside the sandwich, adding a crispy crunch to the grilled cheese experience. It’s a quick, delicious weekday dinner option the whole family will love..

Ingredients • 8 slices of bread (Pullman works best) • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature

• 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese (preferably Parmigiano- Reggiano) • 8 ounces ham, thinly sliced • 1/2 pound Swiss cheese, sliced • 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard • 1/4 cup apricot preserves

Directions 1. Butter each slice of bread on the outsides and sprinkle with Parmesan. 2. Layer ham and cheese evenly on top of 4 slices of bread. 3. Spread apricot preserves and mustard across the other 4 slices. Press sandwiches together. 4. In a cast iron skillet or large sauté pan over medium heat, grill sandwiches until golden, about 3 minutes per side. 5. Cut in half and serve. Inspired by Food & Wine magazine







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The Hopeful Beginning and Catastrophic End

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The 3 Keys to Parent-Teacher Etiquette

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What Some of Our Clients Are Saying

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Are School Buses Safe?

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Inside-Out Grilled Ham and Cheese

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Falsities You’ve Been Told About Jury Duty

Jury Duty Myths There are so many rumors about jury duty that it can be difficult to know which ones are true. Here are three of the most popular speculations, debunked. Admitting Bias Will Ensure Your Dismissal If you admit that you are biased when you serve jury duty, it does not guarantee your dismissal. In fact, a judge cannot dismiss you for being biased — but an attorney can. In addition, attempting to portray yourself as a biased person can put you in a troubling situation. Attorneys and judges have been selecting jurors for a long time and know when someone is lying to them. Your best bet will be to give honest answers to the questions they ask. No Voting, No Jury Duty According to another circulating myth, if you aren’t registered to vote, you don’t have to serve jury duty. Many people believe this myth because voting enters you into the jury duty pool, but there are other means by which citizens are chosen. Other ways you’re entered into the pool include buying a home, paying taxes, and getting a driver’s license. Even if you aren’t registered to vote, you’re still liable to be summoned. Summoned to Court

Serving Jury Duty Will Get You Fired If you’re worried about getting fired by serving jury duty, you can take a breather. Your employer cannot fire you once you’ve been selected for jury service. In fact, if your boss threatens to fire you for it, they will face the penalties, which include fines and even jail time. Many employers know and understand this, but if yours doesn’t, you can submit a file of complaint to the trial court administrator, and they will take care of the rest for you. The system to select jurors has been around for a while, and those involved know what they’re doing. It’s best to go in with an open mind and be completely honest. After all, it is your civic duty to do so.

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