Science-Backed Support: Targeting Specific Conditions
At Longevity Medical Institute, we combine proprietary regenerative medicine protocols with innovative therapeutic techniques, drawing on our doctors' decades of clinical experience. We stay at the forefront of the field by keeping up with published scientific literature and actively attending symposiums focused on the latest scientific research in this rapidly evolving area of medicine.
We provide therapies for a wide range of chronic, acute, and age-related conditions, including:
k Age-Related Conditions: Wrinkles, sagging skin, varicose veins, menopause, osteoporosis, osteoporosis- related fractures, cognitive decline, hearing loss, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), hair loss, heart disease, balance disorders, and fall prevention. k Metabolic Disorders: Type II diabetes, obesity, type I diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), hyperthyroid/hypothyroid, hyperparathyroid/hypoparathyroid. k Chronic Toxicities (Supported by Homotoxicology): Heavy metals, radiation, drug-related toxicities.
k Musculoskeletal Issues: C h roni c p ain , ar th ri t is , t endon inj u ries , li g amen t inj u ries , join t iss u es , s p inal dis c de g enera t ion , s p or t s inj u ries , t endon re p air ( a ch illes , ro t a t or cu ff ), os t eoar th ri t is of th e h i p, os t eo g enesis im p erfe ct a , and fibromyal g ia .
k R eproducti ve
& Sexual W ellness: Ere ct ile dys fu n ct ion , libido de c line , endome t riosis , p oly c ys t i c o v ary syndrome (PCOS) , ch roni c v eno u s ins uf fi c ien c y .
Longevity Medical Institute
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