Formulated to aid in recovery from surgeries, injuries, or intense physical exertion by promoting faster healing and reducing inflammation.
R Key ingredients: Magnesium, Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA), Multivitamins MV-REDOX, Trace Minerals.
R Recommended for: Post-surgery or post-treatment to accelerate the healing process and enhance recovery.
NAD+ Therapy:
A cutting-edge therapy that boosts the body's natural energy production, supports cellular repair, and improves cognitive function by replenishing NAD+ levels.
R Key ingredients: Enhances energy, promotes brain health, supports cellular regeneration, and may slow the aging process.
R Ideal for: Patients seeking enhanced mental clarity, energy levels, and overall cellular function.
Glutathione Infusion:
A po w erful antioxidant therapy that detoxi fi es the body, boosts immune function, and promotes brighter, healthier s k in.
R Key ingredients: S upports deto x i fi cation, boosts immunity, reduces o x idative stress, and enhances skin health.
R C ommonly u sed for : Deto x ifying the body, improving skin comple x ion, and boosting the immune system.
L ongevity M edical I nstitute
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