Harness Your Natural Regeneration: Peptide Product Line
LMI offers a diverse range of peptide-based therapies that harness the body's natural regenerative processes, bolster immune function, and enhance overall health. Peptides are short chains of amino acids and play crucial roles in signaling. They are powerful tools in therapeutic and preventative medicine. These therapies are utilized in various protocols, including anti- aging, immune modulation, tissue repair, and metabolic optimization. BPC-157: Also known as Body Protection Compound 157, this peptide is derived from a gastric protein and renowned for its ability to enhance tissue repair, reduce inflammation, and support digestive health.
Accelerates wound healing by stimulating growth hormone receptors, enhancing cell proliferation,
Supports gastrointestinal health by improving gastric blood flow through serotonin receptor interaction.
Contributes to tendon, ligament, muscle, and bone healing through various cellular mechanisms.
collagen synthesis, and angiogenesis.
A naturally occurring copper peptide, GHK-Cu has wide-ranging benefits, particularly in skin care and tissue regeneration.
Sti m ulates collagen production and activates fi broblasts for s k in re j uvenation.
P ro m otes blood vessel growth, aiding in tissue repair and regeneration.
D e m onstrates strong antio x idant properties, helping to mitigate free radical damage.
L ongevity M edical I nstitute
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